There's big holiday's everyone knows like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Valentine's Day and so on but did you know there's a reason to celebrate everyday? There is a day without a holiday on it it's called National Nothing Day, it's an " un-event" proposed in 1972. So you get an idea here's all 30 of April's reasons to celebrate:
1. April 1st- April fools day, I'm sure everyone knows about this holiday.. it could also be known as national prank day
2. April 2nd- peanut butter and jelly day, so on April 2nd you need to have a PB&J
3. April 3rd- National chocolate mousse day
4. April 4th- World Rat Day
5. April 5th - National Caramel Day
6. April 6th- National Twinkie Day
7. April 7th- National Beer Day
8. April 8th- Draw a picture of a Bird day
9. April 9th- Cherish an Antique day
10. April 10th- National Siblings Day
11, April 11th- National pet day
12. April 12th- Grilled Cheese sandwich day
13. April 13th - National Scrabble day
14. April 14th- National Pecan day
15. April 15th- National Glazed Spiral Ham Day
16. April 16th- National Eggs Benedict day
17. April 17th- Haiku poetry day
18. April 18th- National Velociraptor Day
19. April 19th- National Garlic Day
20. April 20th- National National lookalike day
21, April 21st- United Kingdom National Tea Party day
22. April 22nd - Earth Day
23. April 23rd- National Picnic day
24. April 24th- Arbor Day ( the last Friday of the month)
25. April 25th- World Penguin Day
26. April 26th- National Pretzel day
27. April 27th- National Prime Rib Day
28. April 28th- National Blueberry Pie Day
29. April 29th- National Peace Rose Day
30. National Adopt a shelter pet day
Some of them have to do with food, some have to do with animals, siblings, condiments, there's a ton of different categories and there's no rhyme or reason to them.
So on a day that you and your friends or family are bored maybe you'll get lucky on National Ice cream day, which happens to be on July 18th, 2021 !