by Brynly R.
After dealing with COVID and limited opportunities for performances for two years, the Robert C Byrd Show Choir, Vocal Intensity, have had a full season in 2022. They performed their show at various competitions from South Harrison to Hurricane High School. They also hosted a competition called Vocal Fest at RCB. The group continues to work diligently at fund-raising including hosting a dance for WI Middle School and an upcoming dinner theatre to raise funds for show choir expenses.
The Show Choir season is coming to an end but not before the big championship competition at Hurricane high school on Saturday the 19 at 4pm. Ms. McNemar (or Ms. Mac as the students call her) expects her students to show growth in their performance and leave it all on the stage. She "feels great" about the season, "all things considered! It’s been a real uphill climb, but these kids just keep climbing.”