The upbeat music, the familiar faces, the positive attitudes...this was the scene at Robert C. Byrd High School Monday night as hundreds of state employees: educators, service personnel, DHHR workers, DOH workers, and our state delegates, both republican and democrat, filled the gymnasium for the North Central Regional Rally.
These employees are frustrated and fed up with low wages, proposed insurance changes, and overall lack of respect. They united to take a stand, and will not sit until their goals are met.
Led by Harrison County Education Association vice president, our very own Greg Phillips, the evening was filled with information and enthusiasm, and a call for accountability for our elected state representatives. What are our goals? They are relatively simple:
1. To fully fund PEIA, which means no premium increase, no reduction of coverage, and a permanent financial commitment.
2. To eliminate Go 365, an "add on" to our current insurance with penalties attached.
3. A pay raise: the suggested amount of 4% every year for 5 years.
4. Protect seniority.
The evening concluded with a Q and A session, and a suggestion that each county plan next steps, until all counties are in agreement.
The first "next step" came early as both school county personnel began their days long before start time, and rallied outside their doors as parents and students arrived. As the school day dawned, these educators entered their respective schools in a mark of solidarity and began the work day. The support from students and parents is immense as we all work together to change the course of West Virginia with a commitment to work hard for our students and for our state. In exchange, we ask that our goals be met, beginning with respect for our professions.