As students start to settle into the new school year there is something on everyone's mind, Homecoming. The excitement and talk grows with every nearing day. This year the Homecoming Game will be held on October 20th, and the Dance will be held on the 21st of October.
Homecoming court elections take place on Friday, September 15th. One freshman princess will be selected, two sophomores, three juniors, and five seniors. An individual from the senior class will be voted as Homecoming queen.
Spirit Week will also take place the week of homecoming. The Spirit Week themes include: Mayhem Monday, Tropical Tuesday, Way Back Wednesday, Jersday Thursday, and RCB Spirit Day on Friday. The theme for this year's dance is Candyland.
Other Homecoming activities include the annual parade and an assembly. The parade falls on Wednesday, October 18th, and the theme for floats will coordinate with the Candyland concept. Each class will perform a skit during the Pep Rally/Homecoming Assembly on the 20th.
At last year's game, Queen Aquila XXII Jasmine Matheny was crowned, despite the rainy weather. Jasmine will return to crown her successor on October 20th.