Entries written by Ms. Gump's Creative Writing students.
Your open flaps spread like wings
They flutter in the breeze
One day you'll drift away
and catch a ride with the wind.
Whenit rains you're a mess
You soak up every drop.
Your sides concave
and you'd prefer not to be touched
You're depressed
the anount of stress
weighs down on all your sides
But then the sun comes out
and evaporates the rain
No more soggy mess
just the remaints of the pain
You return to your fluttering
Your wings still heavy at your sides
You pick yourself up
You're getting along just fine
Then the garbage man comes by
By: Corin
A Carton of Milk
I sat there
and thought
"Is anyone ever going to pick me up?"
In my mind
I secretetly wanted
But all I could do was
Wait patientely.
Wait silentely.
With each hand
My excitement grew
"Is it my turn?"
I look around
Only to try to see the faces of my brothern
They weren't nearly as excited
As I was
The next hand
Touched me
I was chosen
By: Lakota